Friday, 24 July 2015

REFORMS: Are you aware of changes in the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS)?

Problem Identified: The manual, file-based personnel system operated by the federal public service meant that government did not have accurate and reliable information about the size and nature of its workforce.

Reform Actions: An Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System was put in place in 2007 and is currently being fully rolled out across the service.

Main Achievements: IPPIS has reduced the cost of governance by saving government ₦185 billion (about US$1 billion) to date with ₦416 million saved in the first month of operation. The quality of government payroll administration has vastly improved and more and more MDAs are moving away from manual payroll administration. A total of 359 MDAs now have the necessary information for planning their personnel costs and the scheme has successfully enrolled 237,917 staff and weeded out 60,450 ‘ghost workers.’ IPPIS has reduced corruption by virtually eliminating the ghost-worker syndrome where properly applied. Furthermore, it has reduced the red tape involved in manual payroll administration.

Key Challenges: Vendor has not delivered all the modules paid for; weak Project Management; Organised resistance to full roll-out and no clear roll-out plan; issues with connectivity and weak network security; unclear project governance structure (no overall ‘key’); IPPIS Personnel Service Wide are not fully motivated in the area of provision of incentives to match the jobs they perform and HR modules still virtually unused.

Reference:  Public Service Reforms in Nigeria (1999-2014) - A Comprehensive Review

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